• 表面改質効果の長寿命化を実現する

  • Our plasma technology achieves long-lasting surface modification effects.

  • 私たちはこれまで、プラズマ表面改質技術を活用して、さまざまな素材の接着性の課題に取り組んできました。プラズマ表面改質技術では素材ごとに最適な処理を施すことが重要です。プラズマ処理条件と素材の組み合わせ次第で、高い接着性を長期間にわたって維持することや接着剤フリーで直接接合することができます。また、減圧雰囲気下でロールtoロールの処理が可能であるため、安定した処理効果と高い生産性を両立することができます。このようなプラズマ処理に関する高度な技術力と豊富なノウハウが私たちの強みです。

  • We have been addressing various adhesive challenges of different materials by leveraging plasma surface modification technology. Optimal treatment for each material is crucial in plasma surface modification technology. Depending on the combination of plasma processing conditions and materials, it is possible to maintain high adhesion for an extended period or achieve direct bonding without using adhesives. Additionally, role-to-role processing in subatmospheric pressure achieves a balance between stable processing effects and high productivity. Our strength lies in the advanced technical expertise and extensive know-how we possess in plasma processing.

  • 表面改質効果の長寿命化を実現する


  • Our plasma technology achieves long-lasting surface modification effects.

    We have been addressing various adhesive challenges of different materials by leveraging plasma surface modification technology. Optimal treatment for each material is crucial in plasma surface modification technology. Depending on the combination of plasma processing conditions and materials, it is possible to maintain high adhesion for an extended period or achieve direct bonding without using adhesives. Additionally, role-to-role processing in subatmospheric pressure achieves a balance between stable processing effects and high productivity. Our strength lies in the advanced technical expertise and extensive know-how we possess in plasma processing.

プラズマとはWhat is Plasma?

  • プラズマとは、第四の物質状態とも呼ばれ、電子・イオン・ラジカルが混在している状態のことをいいます。気体に高いエネルギーを加えることで、加速された電子が原子・分子を電離させ、プラズマが生成されます。身近な例では、雷、火、オーロラがあります。

    Plasma, also known as the fourth state of matter, is characterized by the coexistence of electrons, ions, and radicals. It is formed by imparting high energy to a gas, causing accelerated electrons to ionize atoms and molecules. Examples of plasma in our surroundings include lightning, fire, and the aurora.

高接着性のメカニズムMechanism of high adhesion

  • 素材表面にプラズマ処理することで、表層のみが化学反応し、新たな官能基が生成されます。その官能基の種類によっては親水性が付与され、他の物質との接着性が向上します。

    Plasma treatment of material surfaces induces chemical reactions exclusively in the surface layer, giving rise to new functional groups. The type of functional groups formed can confer hydrophilicity, leading to improved adhesion with other substances.

  • プラズマ受託加工サービスで

  • We contribute to enhancing your competitiveness through our plasma contract processing services.

  • 私たちのプラズマ技術を活用し、お客様のニーズに合わせた受託加工サービスをご提供します。プラズマによる接着性改善だけでなく、接着剤や熱プレスによる接合、樹脂材料のエッチングなどの試験も受託します。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

  • We leverage our plasma technology to provide contract processing services tailored to your needs.
    In addition to adhesive improvement through plasma, we also undertake testing services for bonding using adhesives or heat press, as well as etching of resin materials. Please feel free to contact us.

  • プラズマ受託加工サービスで


  • We contribute to enhancing your competitiveness through our plasma contract processing services.

    We leverage our plasma technology to provide contract processing services tailored to your needs.
    In addition to adhesive improvement through plasma, we also undertake testing services for bonding using adhesives or heat press, as well as etching of resin materials. Please feel free to contact us.

  • これまでよりも強く、永く──

  • Stronger and more durable than ever...
    CFRP sheets from Auros Technologies

  • 私たちのCFRPシートは熱可塑性樹脂を採用し、UD材でロール加工されています。軽量かつ高強度の特長に加えて、耐久性と耐候性にも優れています。また、独自のプラズマ技術により高接着性を付与しているため、接着剤で簡単に補強することができます。さらに、現場での含侵工程が不要であるため、工期の短縮にもつながります。そのため、老朽化した橋梁や建築物等の長寿命化や巨大地震等の災害から交通インフラを守るための材料として幅広く活用できます。

  • Our CFRP sheets are composed of thermoplastic resin and unidirectional carbon fibers and are processed into a roll shape. In addition to being lightweight and high strength, they excel in durability and weather resistance. Moreover, our plasma technology imparts high adhesion, allowing for easy reinforcement with adhesive. Furthermore, since impregnation processes at the construction site are unnecessary, this contributes to a shortened construction period. Therefore, CFRP sheets can be widely utilized for the long-life preservation of aging bridges and buildings, as well as for protecting transportation infrastructure from disasters such as major earthquakes.

  • これまでよりも強く、永く──


  • Stronger and more durable than ever...
    CFRP sheets from Auros Technologies

    Our CFRP sheets are composed of thermoplastic resin and unidirectional carbon fibers and are processed into a roll shape. In addition to being lightweight and high strength, they excel in durability and weather resistance. Moreover, our plasma technology imparts high adhesion, allowing for easy reinforcement with adhesive. Furthermore, since impregnation processes at the construction site are unnecessary, this contributes to a shortened construction period. Therefore, CFRP sheets can be widely utilized for the long-life preservation of aging bridges and buildings, as well as for protecting transportation infrastructure from disasters such as major earthquakes.

活用シーンUsage Scenes

  • 老朽化した橋梁の補強に
    For reinforcing aging bridges
  • 変状トンネルの補強に
    For reinforcing deformed tunnels
  • 建築物の耐震補強に
    For seismic reinforcement of buildings
  • 老朽化した橋梁の補強に
    For reinforcing aging bridges


    Adhering CFRP sheets to damaged floor slabs, bridge piers, and girders affected by aging, it is possible to extend the lifespan of the bridge through repair and reinforcement. Additionally, due to the ease of construction, project timelines can be shortened.

  • 変状トンネルの補強に
    For reinforcing deformed tunnels


    Adhering CFRP sheets tunnels experiencing deformations such as cracks, it is possible to internally reinforce the tunnel lining. Additionally, it can be utilized to prevent spalling due to the deterioration of concrete.

  • 建築物の耐震補強に
    For seismic reinforcement of buildings


    With the imminent threat of a massive earthquake, the importance of seismic reinforcement for buildings is on the rise. Adhering CFRP sheets to the columns and walls of structures can lead to an improvement in seismic performance.

中間材料としてAs an intermediate material


It is possible to manufacture CFRP molded products by laminating and press molding CFRP sheets. Because of its characteristic of being "lightweight and strong," it contributes to the reduction of body weight in vehicles such as automobiles and aircraft.


物性値Physical properties
試験Examination 試験方法Testing method 単位Units 数値Numerical values 備考Remarks
引張強度Tensile strengthJIS K 7164MPa1860
引張弾性率Tensile modulusJIS K 7164GPa129
促進暴露後引張強度Tensile strength after weathering test JIS A 1415/JIS K 7164MPa2000 サンシャインアークカーボン灯/
1000時間処理Sunshine arc carbon lamp processed for 1000 hours.
促進暴露後引張弾性率Tensile modulus after weathering test JIS A 1415/JIS K 7164GPa132 サンシャインアークカーボン灯/
1000時間処理Sunshine arc carbon lamp processed for 1000 hours.
繊維目付量Weight per unit area of fiber200g/m²
繊維体積含有率Fiber volume content50~60%
  • 私たちは基幹産業における接着課題を解決し、人々の生活を豊かにします

  • We solve adhesive problems in key industries, contributing to the enrichment of people's lives.

  • テクノロジーが進化するスピードはどんどん速くなっています。そして、新たなマテリアルも次々に登場しています。ただ、そうしたマテリアルはそれ単体で使われることは稀かもしれません。さまざまな形状に加工されたり、色を付けられたり、穴を開けられたりして、「何か」と結合して、これまでにない新たな価値を生み出し、社会の役に立っていきます。私たちは、独自のプラズマ技術と開発力を駆使して、接着課題に対するイノベーションを生み出していきます。これまでよりも簡単に、強く、永く。それがアウロステクノロジーズの存在価値です。

  • The speed at which technology is advancing is rapidly increasing, and new materials are emerging one after another. However, these materials may rarely be used on their own. They are processed into various shapes, colored, and perforated, then combined with "something" to create new, unprecedented value, contributing to society. Utilizing our plasma technology and development capabilities, we will innovate solutions to adhesive challenges. Simpler, stronger, and more durable than ever before. That is the value proposition of Auros Technologies.

  • 私たちは基幹産業における接着課題を解決し、人々の生活を豊かにします


  • We solve adhesive problems in key industries, contributing to the enrichment of people's lives.

    The speed at which technology is advancing is rapidly increasing, and new materials are emerging one after another. However, these materials may rarely be used on their own. They are processed into various shapes, colored, and perforated, then combined with "something" to create new, unprecedented value, contributing to society. Utilizing our plasma technology and development capabilities, we will innovate solutions to adhesive challenges. Simpler, stronger, and more durable than ever before. That is the value proposition of Auros Technologies.

会社概要Company Profile

  • 社名
    Company Name
    Auros Technologies LLC
  • 所在地
    石川県白山市小柳町ロ100番地 MAP
    住友不動産千代田ファーストウイング MAP
    Head Office Laboratory
    100 Ro, Oyanagi-machi, Hakusan-shi, Ishikawa, Japan
    Tokyo Office
    Sumitomo Fudosan Chiyoda First Wing, 2-36-1 Kanda-Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
  • 代表者
    CEO 内田 大剛
    CEO Daigou Uchida
  • 設立
    September 2019
  • 事業内容
    Business Activities
    Research and development of surface modification technology using plasma, as well as the manufacturing, planning, sales, and provision of services related to these products.
  • 社名
    石川県白山市小柳町ロ100番地 MAP
    住友不動産千代田ファーストウイング MAP
    CEO 内田 大剛
  • Company Name
    Auros Technologies LLC
    Head Office Laboratory
    100 Ro, Oyanagi-machi, Hakusan-shi, Ishikawa, Japan
    Tokyo Office
    Sumitomo Fudosan Chiyoda First Wing, 2-36-1 Kanda-Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
    CEO Daigou Uchida
    September 2019
    Business Activities
    Research and development of surface modification technology using plasma, as well as the manufacturing, planning, sales, and provision of services related to these products.



About US

We are a professional team with extensive technical expertise and know-how in plasma technology. Our mission is to solve adhesive problems and challenges in key industries, thereby contributing to the enrichment of people's lives. We are engaged in daily research activities and product development with an eye toward the future of society.

チームOur Team

  • CEO 内田大剛 / Daigou Uchida
    CEO内田大剛/ Daigou Uchida
    Daigou was born in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture. After graduating from Keio University's Faculty of Business and Commerce, he joined Mitani Sangyo. He has been engaged in internal auditing, business planning, public relations, new business development, and venture investment operations, handling numerous projects such as IPOs, finance, M&A, and CVC launches. After serving as Executive Officer and Head of Corporate Planning Department, assumed the position of Director, CFO/CCO(Current). He founded Auros Technologies LLC in 2019 and assumed the role of CEO.
  • COO 大場健史 / Takeshi Oba
    COO大場健史/ Takeshi Oba
    Takeshi was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido. After graduating from the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Nihon University in 1998, he joined Mitani Sangyo. He was assigned to the Chemical Division, handling chemicals, electronic materials, and environmental materials. In 2018, he established a department related to environmental solutions, working on the construction of the rare metal and material recycling value chain, development of environmental catalysts, and blast technology for infrastructure construction. He is the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of Auros Technologies LLC.
  • CTO 遠藤和弘 Kazuhiro Endo
    CTO遠藤和弘/ Kazuhiro Endo
    工学博士。東京大学工学部卒業、同大学院修士及び博士課程修了。通産省電子技術総合研究所(現:産業技術総合研究所)に入省。世界最高の電流特性を持ち、がん診断が可能な高温超電導薄膜の作製に成功。筆頭論文がNature、Adv. Matr.などに多数掲載される。2006年金沢工業大学教授に就任。2013年プラズマによる複合材料の接合研究を開始し、溶融せずに接合する直接接合を発明、特許を取得。2019年、アウロステクノロジーズ合同会社を創業し、CTOに就任。
    Kazuhiro has a Ph.D. in Engineering. He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo and completed his master's and Ph.D. programs at the same university. He joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry's Electronics Technology Research Institute (now: The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology). He successfully developed high-temperature superconducting films with the world's highest electrical current characteristics, capable of cancer diagnosis. His numerous lead-authored papers have been published in journals such as Nature and Adv. Matr. He was appointed as a professor at Kanazawa Institute of Technology in 2006. In 2013, he initiated research on composite material bonding using plasma, invented non-melting direct bonding, and obtained a patent. He co-founded Auros Technologies LLC in 2019 and assumed the role of CTO.
  • VP of Engineering 和田倫明 Michiaki Wada
    VP of Engineering和田倫明/ Michiaki Wada
    2018年金沢工業大学大学院 工学研究科 バイオ・化学専攻修了後、同大学革新複合材料研究開発センターでプラズマを用いた複合材料の接合技術開発に取り組む。同年スタートアップビジネスプランコンテストいしかわ2018で優秀起業家賞受賞。2019年石川イノベーションスクール第3回ビジネスプランプレゼンテーションで最優秀賞受賞をきっかけに、アウロステクノロジーズ合同会社を創業し、VPoEに就任。プラズマによる表面改質を専門とし、プラズマ処理技術を活用したプロダクトの開発に取り組む。
    After completing the Biochemical Engineering program at the Graduate School of Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology in 2018, He dedicated himself to developing bonding technology for composite materials using plasma at the university's Innovative Composite Materials Research and Development Center. The same year, he won the Outstanding Entrepreneur Award at the Startup Business Plan Contest Ishikawa 2018. In 2019, spurred by winning the Grand Prize at the 3rd Business Plan Presentation of the Ishikawa Innovation School, he co-founded Auros Technologies LLC and assumed the role of Vice President of Engineering. Specializing in surface modification through plasma, he engages in product development utilizing plasma processing technology.
  • Sales Manager 林 寛充 Hiromitsu Hayashi
    Sales Manager林 寛充/ Hiromitsu Hayashi
    Hiromitsu was born in Fukui Prefecture. He graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Kansai University in 2014. After gaining approximately seven years of experience in new product development at a plastic building materials manufacturer, he joined Mitani Sangyo in 2021, and the following year, he became part of Auros Technologies LLC In his previous role, he contributed to revenue expansion by overseeing a comprehensive process from market research to product design, manufacturing, and sales. Leveraging that experience, he not only addresses customer requests but also materializes latent needs, delivering optimal solutions.